March 1, 2024
When it comes to tree trimming, it may not be the most exciting task on your to-do list (unlike us, we love it!), but it is essential nonetheless. The challenge with tree trimming is that, without expertise, it can be difficult to determine the when, how, and where to trim in order to ensure the tree's health is not compromised. While we are always available for your tree trimming needs, if you prefer to handle the task yourself or need guidance on when to reach out to us, the following information could be beneficial. To Prune or Not to Prune – That's the Dilemma Instead of delving into the timing of tree trimming in Northern California, let's first consider when it's best to refrain. It's ill-advised to prune trees during the fall. It's preferable to avoid this practice whenever feasible as the fall weather facilitates the rampant spread of fungi spores, potentially leading to diseases in otherwise robust trees. Furthermore, trees take longer to recover from cuts made in autumn, leaving them susceptible and unprotected. Similarly, for many trees, it's advisable to steer clear of pruning in the spring as well, as this is a period of new growth. Pruning during this time can stress the tree, compromising its overall health and growth.